Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Some Done and Some Started

The binding is on the pinwheel quilt! 
 The threads are all trimmed and it was a joy to make and finish!
Even the back has a pop!
And likewise for the circles quilt! 
 I'm happy with the quilting and like the modern look.
The back even lined up on the back block!
Serendipity at its best! 
I loaded the lighthouses and bridges quilt on the frame while Lena explored. 
But it didn't take long for Little Lena to ask to be held.  Gratefully she likes sleeping in my woolen mobius wrap like a baby while I worked.
(Fever and pain make you very cuddly.)
After her nap, she went to the bathroom on her own!
I was so proud of her!
(I hope she forgives me for blogging such a private moment!)


  1. They quilts are lovely - but little kitty... I'm melting with the cuteness.

  2. A kitten in a sling...that is beyond precious!!! We're a little jealous!

    The quilts are beautiful, as always. Love the patterns, fabrics, borders, quilting, etc.

  3. Oh, sweet kitty! My last adoptee won't use the kitty potty. I have to let him in and out like a dog-at 4 am every morning.
    Those quilts are gorgeous-as always!

  4. A kitten sling! Wonderful. I'd need a hiker carrier for Fezzik. Pie would be great in a knit sling. SO cute.

  5. OMG, I am in love with Little Lena. She is darling. What a brave little thing to be wandering about with a broken leg.
    I so admire your quilting!

  6. Your quilts are beautiful. I'm partial to the bridges and lighthouses one.

    Little Lena is precious! How did she make out with her second vet visit? Is she in a cast?


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....