Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Rolled Up

 I managed to quilt the triangle log cabin patriot's quilt this week.
I used a star and banner pantograph for this lap quilt.
When I finished doing the first one, 
I loaded on the second little rail fence and log cabin blocks quilt
then realized I had not added the blue border on this one.
So a little setback I hope to remedy during today's nap time!
(I had purchased enough backing to do both quilts without having to load again-
it worked out great!)


  1. It wouldn't be crafting, if there weren't little "bumps" along the road. Hope the boys take a good nap for you today so you can finish up the edging.

  2. I wish I had room for a long arm. It looks like so much fun and not scrunching and bunching.

  3. Nice! It's the quilting that brings a top to life.

  4. Beautiful. At first I thought, how fascinating that you will do this while you nap. Haha. I get it. While they young ones nap!

  5. What a great idea to do the backing that way! Those quilt colors are very striking.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....