Tuesday, November 30, 2021


The SU socks are a done deal! 
 I'm pleased with the way they turned out--even the seaming on the side where I carried the unused color looks pretty good!  Despite the fussing with the two balls of yarn,
 I really enjoyed making these socks!
Some sewing took place! 
 I did laugh when I began the second half of the dog 
and almost forgot to reverse the position of the blocks! 
It's good to have to think through a project to get it to work! 
 I thought a lot of my Grandma while making this....she made them for grandchildren and I sure appreciate the work she put into making so many patchwork dogs through the years.
And she is still here.  
D, you will be happy to know my DH  wanted to know what we could name her.  I know the power of a relationship happens when you name a pet--I held him off until we see if she has been chipped to find the previous owner. 
 She looks like a Corgi and something mix. 
 She is a sweet young thing, in spite of being a canine! lol


  1. The socks are fantastic! Bruce will be thrilled! The patchwork pup halves are charming. And those dog-ears (on the real dog) are adorable!! Adventures…

  2. Nice socks and patchwork. Oh, sweet pup. Did she show up with a collar or did you put one on her? Wonder where she came from. People here are abandoning their pets right and left. It's depressing and frustrating to realize how many selfish, heartless people there are around us. I feel like every time I name a street kitty, something happens to them ... like my neighbor trapping them and hauling them off to other places. Makes me so angry as he's not helping the situation at all.

    I remember the patchwork teddies and dogs were very popular at craft shows in the 80s. In fact, I had one of the teddies but then sold it here at a carboot sale years ago when my boys were little and playing baseball. Kinda wish I hadn't sold it now.

  3. Those stripey socks are fabulous!
    What a cute little doggo you've got there. I bet she's got a story to tell. I ended up with all these cats because my neighbor passed away suddenly and her family didn't realize she had cats outside that needed re-homing so they just left them. Hard to believe that all the outdoor cat huts she had didn't give them a clue.

  4. You could name her Wanda, short for Wanderer. :o)

  5. What a sweet looking dog! Love your socks - very nice finish!

  6. Love those ears on YOUR dog. They look like Lizzie's. :-) She does indeed look like a corgi mix. Like Dee said it looks like a retriever tail. She looks so sweet and loving.
    Your blocks look like they're coming together well for the stuffed dog. Dogs are bursting out all over in your life are't they?

  7. Oh what a cutie! I would call her Pearl!!!!

  8. Fantastic socks! (you know I love stripes) I think the pup has found a good home.


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...