Wednesday, December 1, 2021


The patchwork dog is completed! 
 It wasn't so bad to sew the two halves together by using another strip of 2 1/2" squares 
--- kinda like sewing the depth strip on a chair cushion 
except this one has a lot of angles! lol
  Let's just say, a lot of pivoting took place! 
Both halves use the same selection of squares, 
just in a different order.
I used a combination of two buttons to make it more realistic
 and I pulled the needle through to the other side
 to give them some dimension. 
 I think my Gram would approve!


  1. That is just so darling!

  2. It is adorable. I would like to give it a squeeze right now! Love the eyes. Would you believe that when I looked at the photo I thought, "she did a lot of pivoting." lol

  3. Nice work. I love patchwork. Good choices of fabric and color.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.