Monday, December 27, 2021


We took a little trip to go and see my niece and family 
since they were in quarantine
 because the little boy she babysits tested positive for Covid!  
Several tests later they were all cleared for visits! 
 Even their kittens were glad to see us!
One patchwork pooch found her forever home....
and so did the other!
At the beginning and end of the day, I worked on a mitten to go with the youth hat I made.
  I read the pattern wrong
 (knitting, talking and laughing put me at high risk for goofs!)
 and had to rip out a bit but this one just needs the thumb 
and I expect to do just that and make the other one today!



  1. Those little girls look so cute with their patchwork puppies!!

  2. Sounds like you had a nice visit! We got together with local family and are now stuck at home thanks to SNOW!

  3. I envision the pups going on many fascinating adventures (real and imaginary) with the girls.

  4. Oh look at the smiles on those sweet faces. The girls look so happy with their new puppies. Lots of fun ahead for them. The mitten is looking good too. It looks like the same pattern I use.
    I hope all continues to go well for your visit. I'm so happy for you all.

  5. Those pooches look like they will be very well-loved!


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