Monday, December 6, 2021


Another pair of camo mitts for grandsons...
A bit of crochet for citrus coasters--I added some lime ones!
We don't get colorful leaves until now--this Maple tree survived the flood we endured-you can see a dead one right next to it.
but since we had one frost already, we now see a bit of red/orange and yellow leaves!
We even enjoy a bit of color in our Poplar tree.  (our form of 
Another tall Maple tree which is bracketed by several dead pine trees.
Another source of color--bananas!
 And a Cassia tree covered with blossoms!


  1. Glad some maples survived! The bananas are so lovely. I don’t remember — does cassia have a smell?

  2. The leaves continue to hang on here. We usually do our last raking around Thanksgiving but it may be Christmas this year. They are pretty though. I've never seen so much color.

  3. Pretty blooms and the camo mitts will be perfect for the grandsons!

  4. Gah! I just love that you have a banana tree!!!

  5. It’s fun to see all the interesting plants and blooms in your yard.

  6. Love your coasters... and ooooh! Bananas! How cool is that! xx

  7. Another pair of mitts AND coasters. You're on a roll. It all looks so exotic compaired to here. It will fun to see them. I finished a hat and mittens a little while ago.

  8. LOVE those mits - and the Coasters are so adorable!!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.