Friday, December 15, 2023


The mini quilt (well mini for me!) is a top finally. 
 I will be loading it up on the frame so that it will be completely done by this Christmas!  It is 30" square.
The NICU incubator cover/quilts are all done! 
 I will be handing these in this week.
I've been making more dishcloths; I enjoy making them,
 I like how they look when I am done and they are nice gifts! 
 I really liked the two-color one I made yesterday. 
The yarn carries up the sides so there aren't tons of ends!
 There is enough yarn for a several more!
Yup, it is this kind of morning around here!


  1. It's stunning! What an accomplishment. I love your last photo. I have to curl up in front of YouTube fireplaces if I want cozy. I lost the fight for a living room fireplace years ago.

  2. you've been so busy - both you and Lena deserve a break!

  3. That red quilt top is gorgeous. I can't imagine the work and the tiny pieces. I love it. Thank you for making the NICU quilts. My sister goes three times a week to rock babies in the NICU. She's done that for years and years and loves it, but her heart breaks for the babies and parents. That last photo is so cozy. I'm in a similar position right now but don't have the fireplace on.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....