Thursday, December 3, 2009

East To Town

Hunting for a fireplace sent us to Daytona Beach today and that means a visit to the ocean.  It was so warm, a light breeze and hardly any people.  So glad we stopped for a view.

Bill keeps a can of  peanuts in the car, and we dipped in it for some pigeon treats-they were so gentle and curious.  It was tempting to pick one up and hug it!  We must have dropped pieces as we were throwing and soon they were right in the car to get all the food.  It was relaxing to have them cooing and fluttering around us.

The fireplace store failed for our business; they have no idea of customer service and/or product info. :'(


  1. You know what's weird? I took photos of the ocean and pigeons yesterday too. Funny!

    Bummer that you weren't able to get your fireplace sorted out. Even up here, in the land of cold and fires, I don't feel like we have a great selection surprisingly enough.

    Good luck sorting it out!


  2. Glad that the beach could salvage the trip...the pigeons are pretty, too.

  3. You sound like me - I will happily pay extra [as long as it's not outrageous] to get decent service!


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...