Monday, December 14, 2009

***Workermans Are Here!

This morning a *crew of two arrived to move this to its new home in the breezeway.  We will eventually be removing this closet to give us more space in the diningroom. 

Here it is set up but not working yet in its new home;  we will be framing it in after all the work is done.  We are without air/heat but it is so mild outside  (65F) that it is just perfect to be without this tonight! 

I worked in my sewing room making a hoody for me to match the pants I had finished quite a while ago.  I don't need the hoody here yet, but since we are going to Marsel's for Christmas, I need to shore up my cold weather clothes!  (The fabric is fake velour....easy to wash and wear!)

For the fun of it, I sewed up a t-shirt and a tank out of some stash fabric.  I haven't worked with knit fabric in a long time and forgot how quick it is!

On to finish the second sock for Bill.  It is a marathon of sock knitting when they have to fit his size 15's!!!

***When my oldest son was little, he needed to categorize everyone and when he would see manual laborers-think jeans/tshirts/workboots and in cold weather, add some Carharts and he would point them out, "Look, Mom, workermans!"  He outgrew the moniker but I still use the phrase.  The funny part of this story is that he grew up to me a workerman himself!  Right down to the Carharts!


  1. So exciting to see this big house-milestone happening!

    The clothes are pretty; nice that you took the time to sew something for yourself for a change!

  2. Anyone in a dark blue polo shirt is called "Daddy's Workers" by Finn.

    The hoodie looks so comfy and I love the color of the t shirt and tank top.

  3. Oh, my! It's rare that I see socks where the foot is way longer than the leg. Wow! Size 15... I can hardly picture that. Can he go skiing without skis?


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!