Saturday, December 12, 2009

What a Memory Keeper

This quilt  (48" x 60") contains the lace motifs from a wedding dress of a friend.  She was cleaning out and gave me the dress to do 'whatever' with quite a whle ago.  I sure had fun with this project.  I had this golden brocade in my stash and thought it would be a perfect complement to the dress fabric.  I had to break all the rules of on grain but it went together very easily and even the quilting was a blast.  (Hint-put the off grain fabric on the bottom when you sew two patches together.)

I used a different free motion feather/frond on each lace block and the same drawn block on each gold block.  I will be giving it to her this afternoon when I go to her graduation from college!  (She is making a career change and as a single mom with three great kids has been attending college for a teaching degree and still working, too, so there is much room for celebrating today!)  Since she also reads this blog, I have had to be secretive about this project!

 I wanted to make the wedding dress a useable asset instead just a big box in storage-I am thinking of cutting up my dress for a memory quilt, too!


  1. Mrs. Cindy, I can't say thank you enough. The quilt is so much more beautiful than the pictures even show!!! How sweet of you to make this...and keeping it a secret must have been a KILLER! LOL I love you so much and the fact you spent so much time making this special...I just can't even put into words how much it meant. Thank so much for your support.
    Much love, Suzanne :)

  2. You've outdone yourself, Mom! It's beautiful, and the quilting is stunning. Maybe Suzanne could bring it to church for me to see in person next time I come down...

    Not sure how I feel about you cutting up your dress...but then, why let it sit in storage when you could have it handy to enjoy? Go for it!

  3. I think it's a lovely idea, it looks great and surely it's nicer to have your memories close by and easy to see than hidden away in a closet somewhere! now I am looking forward to the result of changing your own dress:))

  4. It is beautiful. A wonderful memory keeper.
    After my grandparents died, I received quilt top parts that my great grandma started but never finished.
    One day when my grandmother was alive she showed them to me and told me where the fabric came from.... great -uncle, aunts cousins, grand parents clothes that had worn out and she saved the best parts to make quilts from.
    I plan to have them made into 3 small quilts for my sisters and I.
    The best memory keepers ever.

  5. Marsel, I've gotten that a couple of times but the beads had all it really couldn't be used again. It looks beautiful in the blanket though! Of course I'll bring it when you come back...What about Sunday? :)

  6. That is a great idea, and beautifully done. I love how the fabrics complement each other.



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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.