Friday, July 19, 2013

Being Home and Getting it in Gear Again

 Proof I finished the feather and fan socks in NY-sitting in the SYR airport before boarding!
A welcome home sunset.
I got the socks washed and blocked and in the ta-da pile!
I don't have anyone in mind for these at this time.
 I thought it was about time I caught up on the Tour de Fleece since I did NO spinning while in NY.  I had brought this sliver and a drop spindle to spin at my parents but the event just never materialized.  Now that I am home,  I oiled up the Ashford Traveler and got my miles in for today.
And then I turned the quilt since I had stalled on that before the trip.  Sometimes the quilt gets too big to be able to stitch the full design and when that happens, you have to unpin the quilt and turn it to stitch from the other end.  I got it all turned and realigned with the pantograph and finished it....I worked off and on all day switching between spinning and stitching!
 I managed to finish the other bobbin of single and then plied them into the finished yarn.
 It is a very springy yarn since I spun it woolen-I wish you could give it a squeeze to see what I mean!
204 yards of sport weight yarn added to the TDF pile!  Since my goal was to spin the equivalent of race miles in yards...I am still a bit behind.
But the quilt is also finished against all odds (like running out of thread just a few feet from the edge...!  grrr)  Tomorrow, another skein of yarn and binding!!!!


  1. I knew you'd finish that sock before long:) and I am sure that somebody will want those socks, the colours "sing"! and the quilt looks sportive enough to count for "miles" in the TdF - just think of all the yarn you used for quilting it!:)
    enjoy being home again - the cats surely missed you?

  2. Nice to have so much to show for your couple of days back home again. I wish I could sit by you and work on the binding in companionable happiness, with a nice movie playing in the background!

  3. Everything looks great! We have the best sunsets here in FL :)


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