Saturday, July 13, 2013

Savoring the Sharing

Mom and I set right to work to mark the celebration of her anniversary with a wall hanging!  We dug through her stash and found the right colors for her sun room.  We chose the wonky log cabin block because it fits our family!  It was fun to work together again!  It is done and hanging on the wall!
In the afternoon, Dad , Mom and I picked  2 quarts of raspberries out was fun to remember the mosquitos, prickers and other hazards that make these so delicious!!!!
For supper, we made mountain pies!  One of my 'coming home' requests!
The pan was full in no time and soon we were, too!
I am knitting on the top of my airplane sock....I am adding a feather and fan top to the sock.  I had some false starts because the pattern wouldn't line up but found my error by drawing it on paper and now it is lining up and adding up just the way it is supposed to! 


  1. I like picture quilts as keepsakes - 60 years together, that's a long time! and the socks have nice, summery colours - I am sure the pair will be finished before you're back home again:) enjoy the stay!

  2. Those raspberries look incredible. I miss being able to eat them until I was stuffed!

    The wall-hanging turned out great! How fun to make a keepsake of the event right away. :)

  3. What are mountain pies? Never heard of them, but the raspberries look yummy!


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...