Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Brighter Days

 Two sleeves are set aside so I can cast on for the body of the sweater.  
On the Invariance, I have only inches to go before I have a completed 3/4 length sleeve!
 Hoping to turn a corner today--brighter days are coming!


  1. You're going to have that sweater done long before I do which is a good thing. I may have to use you for advice on those short rows in the yoke. They scare me.

  2. Wow. You are cruising right along on those sweaters. I so admire sweater knitters. I've knit just a few and some baby sweaters. The baby sweaters were a breeze! Real adult fit and sweaters are complex, I think. Great job

  3. Your needles are on fire! It amazes me how quickly you knit.

  4. Nice to see the progress on the sweaters
    We've had nothing but rain and grey for three days... I'd love to see a little sun.

  5. Okay now you are just showing off! I'm on day 3 of knitting a baby sleeve! LOL Do not worry, you are giving me good inspiration for perseverance.

  6. The knitting is cruising at your abode! I have only finished afghan squares lately. LOL! But a shawl is getting cast on tomorrow!!! I hope. Cute sweaters all around!

  7. Beautiful picture of the horizon!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!