Saturday, October 27, 2018

Birds and Blooms

 I was desperate to find some backing to match so I could finish this top and I found a piece!
My neighbor, Millie, has finished a quilt that has been hanging over her head for quite a while 
and I know she will be bringing it soon for quilting. 
 Since hers is double this one's size, I wanted this out of the way first!
I am using a tried and true panto for this donation lap quilt.
I loaded it and did one row last night 
and I will be finishing it up today in another hour!
In a perfect world, I will also have the binding cut and sewn on today, too.
Throughout the month I have been enjoying my white Camellias.
The pinks and reds won't be out for another month yet 
but these two bushes are loaded with blooms!


  1. I have no idea what a 'panto' is but I love the quilt!

  2. So pretty! Someone is going to love it.

  3. Lovely!
    I wish I could have camellias here... well I can, but I have to bring them in.

  4. Camellias always look like they’re made out of porcelain — and that one is so pure-white! Very pretty.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!