Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Stitching Going On

 Millie brought over her top that needs quilting. 
 These are ties a family member gave her to make a memory quilt from her dad.
 I also have the machine knitting going on again; 
 this time with a girls sweater like the boy ones I did already.
 One sleeve to go and then a bit of seaming is all that's left!
And here is a photo of my great niece wearing her sweater I knit her!
Doesn't her smile warm your heart?!


  1. Aww, a precious photo of a happy hand-knit sweater recipient. She's a cutie!

  2. Love the tie quilt!
    And it's always nice to see your hard work being enjoyed!

  3. The great niece picture stole my heart. She looks so snuggly

  4. A tie quilt? What a brilliant idea! Love the little one in the sweater. It's so nice to see your knits put to good use.

  5. That little girl in that little sweater - DARLING!!

    Cool tie quilt too.

  6. How adorable is she!! Looks like you have lots of fun projects to do.

  7. Hannah just makes everyone around her smile!! Cute sweater, too.


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