Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Different Route!

I ripped out the tuck stitch sweater front
because it was way too small.
It will be another idea for another day
I tried my original idea of knitting up the back, 
over the shoulders,
down one front shoulder
and then the other,
join across the neckline and knit down the front body!

It worked!

Now I will pick up stitches for the cuffs, neck and bottoms for some ribbing 
so I can then seam it all together!

(the yarn is Red Heart gradient in greys)


  1. With the orange waste yarn in there, it looks PERFECT for Halloween. LOL

  2. You're having waaaay too much fun with that knitting machine. 😉😎 The sweater looks great and so do the cookies.

  3. did you use the cookies as a prop - or as fortification during the knitting?:) and the orange doesn't look all that bad with the grey shades... though the boys might think differently:) I hope the little one is on the mend!

  4. Did the tuck stitch add a lot of bulk or was that just a trick of the lens? I love the gradient yarn, may have to look into that for kids knitting myself.

  5. You are doing great . I admire how you aren't afraid to rip. I just did the same thing on my sock toe as a matter of fact. I am in no hurry and would rather get it right. :)

  6. I love that yarn — what an attractive boy-sweater!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.