Thursday, October 18, 2018

Parcels of Time

 Look what came in the mail!
I will squeeze it and stroke it but I will not start the sweater
 until I am done with the Flor de Jerez sweater-which I am loving btw! 
 And it was Flor that came along and took my focus away from the Invairiance sweater
 (it's those sleeves and twisting the body around and around....)
 Ethan loves to play anything that involves running-give him a piece of my yarn
 and he is off and running-in this house of 8 cats, one of them will come running!
 They are just a blur up and down the hallway!
 In the afternoon, when we are waiting for Grandpa to bring Will home from school, 
he likes an outdoor project. 
 If I had a hammer.....(sing with me!)
He pounded the nail in and pulled it out and pounded it in, repeat...for an hour!
I had a nice view while he made a good racket-and I got several rows in also!
It's good I can knit without watching every stitch because he likes me to 'watch' him!
 He painted this earlier in the day-he told me which colors were happy
 and which were sad or mad or scared or shy! 
 It was a wonderful conversation while I managed to piece the three blocks on the left!
(It helps to have all the components in a stack so all I have to do is piece and press!)


  1. Oh, what yarny goodness!!!
    8 cats??? You've got me beat by one. Every time I turn around another one is showing up.

  2. Creative play is THE best for children. Will does look content with that hammer, nail, and wood.

  3. The yarn looks yummy. The construction worker with pacifier cracks me up!!!!
    Thank you for that

  4. Looks like you have quite the little craftsman/artisan there!

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  6. That wool looks "yummy!" How cute is Ethan.. love his painting with happy and sad colors... just like some of our quilts! xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!