Monday, December 31, 2018

They Won't Melt!

 The canvas embroidered square needed to be turned into a pillow!
 I added a hidden zipper to the fabric for the back...
Stitched around them together and then edge stitched for faux piping.
I added a bunch of stuffing and now I have a happy 16" pillow.
And now I want to make another one so there are two on the couch!!!!
It will be a good way to end the year-snowmen on an 80* day!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Never Give Up!

 I have a completed and permanently completed pair of men's socks made on the knitting machine!
Since this is the fourth try, I really have nothing to brag about!
Especially since I really knit two right socks and not a left and right!
(On the knitting machine, since the socks are seamed, you knit one sock and then
reverse the shaping to make the second sock;
I omitted that last part of the instructions.....because that is what happens sometimes!)
However, I did such a good job seaming,
it is so invisible, you do not see this little design element!
BUT there is still a problem with this pair of socks...
they were supposed to be for my brother-in-law who wears a men's 8 shoe.
The socks fit my husband's size 15 feet.
Back to the drawing board for the next pair-this yarn is not being ripped back again!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Out with the Old!

 The Shhhh! Shawl-I worked on it for a few hours and remembered why I left it-
it is written for a sport weight yarn and I was using a lace weight yarn;  the sizing was all wrong!
 I ripped it out and started a different pattern where the yarn size wouldn't matter!  I can just keep going until I run out of yarn!  This pattern , Swedish Lines, is one I had bought for my daughter for her first shawl;  it was so much fun doing it with her, I thought I would buy it for myself!
 The Sand cardigan was an intriguing knit;  a really beautiful design that I would use a lot if it was finished but the size looked too small (you start this at the top!)
So I ripped it all out, started again with the next size and this time I will mark where I am each step!
Nothing worse than picking up a pattern that had languished and not knowing where you are when you pick it up again!  

Now I have two patterns going that are interesting and will have a good outcome!  
What a nice way to knit out the old year!

Friday, December 28, 2018


 The baby blanket of scrap DK weight yarn is completed!  I thought about adding the half hexagons to the bottom and top of the blanket but since it is only optional, I think I will call this done.
 Nyki had to model her beauty on the blanket!
 Since I always knit the beginning tail into the first knit row and each of the tails that are cut pull the centers closed and are woven in at the end of each block so when I was done, I was done!
I like that it is very neat on the back side too.
Once blocked, the blanket has a better shape but I didn't block it too aggressively so there was still some texture left.  It is now 30" by 36";  just right for a light and airy baby blanket.
I did run out of the light green in the top right polygon--I filled it in with a variegated yarn.  
It works for me!

(This pattern is called Polygon by Tin Can Knits;
knit by picking up the stitches of its neighbor instead of knitting 
a pile of blocks and seaming them together!)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Third Time's the Charm!

So I finished the second sock and seamed it up and thought-what in the world?!!!!
It was huge-I was aiming for a men's small
 and instead held a pair that would fit my DH's size 15s !  (not a men's 8 1/2!)

I ripped them out and knit another pair and no kidding--they fit me fine--not big enough at all!!!

Tomorrow after I get the cats fed and cat chores finished, 
I will be making another pair--I think I have some math corrections all lined up!  
Since I have an alone day, I will be up to the challenge!
  I am so glad that yarn is reusable!!!!

To be positive, I am becoming quite proficient at short rowing 
and at doing ribbing by latch hook! lol

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


I played with my new embroidery unit for my new-to-me sewing machine 
and made these applique snowmen on canvas.
They will soon be sewn into a couch pillow.
 I also played a bit with the second sock on the knitting machine.  
I almost knew what I was doing each step of the way this time!
I only have to add the ribbing along the leg and I will bind it off from the needles
and then seam it up!
A lovely end of a day finds me with little Lena giving my leg a hug as I knit.
She has been with me now 2 years!  
She has been a very sweet shadow throughout this time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Greetings

Today is a day to bless those around you-
to share the joy the world received when the Savior was born.
If there is sadness in your life, sort through your memories to share the good ones with yourself!
If there is nothing but joy around you, 
share that with tenderness knowing that there are those that need care.
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Grand Christmas

We took a trip up to Fernandina Beach to see youngest son's family
for an early Christmas with them.
Ella had just had her tonsils out this week so she was a bit droopy
 but a real trooper about the pain.
Eli loved having us to himself for a change!
We played all kinds of three year old games!
And here is a plant trophy from me-I have been tending this cactus for 10 years;
it was a gift from a friend starting out at 8' and now  it is 28" and for the first time ever-
it is blooming!
They are waxy thick flowers and there are buds all over the plant!
I am so excited!  
This is a Euphorbia cactus of which there are tons of varieties, a crown of thorns is a more common one.  It is cold hardy which is a good thing because we woke up to temperatures in the 30's!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Seeing Red and Green!

 In all the hustle and bustle, I did manage to knit a Christmas slouchy hat to add to the charity pile.
 Will wanted to model it for me...
 He did a good job with the poses!
And the hat fit perfectly for my guess at a child 6-8 years old.
 The fancy camellia tree is giving a  great show!  
 All of my Christmas cactuses are doing this-it is a beautiful showing this year!
 Even this one that was knocked down in the last hurricane and broken off in so many places has made a stunning recovery!
 The fairy-like calliandra is all full of its puff balls....
and a sure sign of Christmas-the poinsettia is beginning to redden!
I love the red and green --in my house and in my yard!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Signed, Sealed and Almost Delivered!

The 5 little Christmas quilts are ready to head to the hospital!
It is nice to achieve a goal!

And the knitting project winner is:  the Polygon Blanket for my knitting attention for now!


 So I dug through projects that have languished and looked for one that interested me.
I had forgotten the Shhhh! Shawl and it is definitely in the running.
 The Sand Sweater is a very inviting style once finished
 but the convoluted top down construction was a misery so far. 
 Maybe I have finished the crazy part and it will be a breeze from now on.....maybe.
The Polygon blanket by TinCanKnits is fun, has a quick one-goal appeal 
so this is definitely on the top of the list.
I have looked through tons of choices on Ravelry 
and now I am thinking that maybe I will knit the 5 skeins of fingering yarn into a cardigan 
on the knitting machine!!!!
Today is my birthday and I hope to work a little bit on each of these projects!
It's supposed to pour all day so no beach visit or lunch at the shore but I can knit 
and read to a toddler with a cat on my lap!
Yes, I think that is a fine way to spend my day!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


The Helianthus mitts are finished!
If you remember, I ran out of the darker purple and had to use a lighter shade for the second mitt.
I think they are similar enough to pull it off!
They are knit with fingering weight wool (Cascade and Palette yarns)
on size 2mm needles.
The sun shone and the temperature was pleasant this afternoon
so I sat outside to work on the mitts.
The birds were so active, the squirrels dashing about with acorns;
it was a beautiful backdrop for some quiet knitting.
I am in between projects.
I have some fingering weight yarn in a celery-like colored yarn but 
I am not sure what I want to make with it!
A cardigan I am feeling inclined to knit 
but I haven't found a pattern to match my mental vision.
I also hesitate to start in on that project because I usually dig through the started projects from the previous year and either finish them  or toss them every January!
I could start that clean out early and then start the new sweater in January instead.
Another day in sunshine of a perfect temperature like that and I will figure it out!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Down to the Wire!

 I stopped after going to the doctor's yesterday (appt to adjust meds)
to the quilt shop in town to buy some backing for the last two kid's quilts for Christmas.
I found the backing with no problem and as usual struck up a conversation with the woman about what I was doing with the fabric and she told me about another lady who was trying to get a lap quilt for everyone at the local nursing home who didn't have a family member and wasn't going to get a present this Christmas.  
There were 60 such residents and she was working to make one for each of them!  
I got her phone number and told her that I had at least 10 to send along.  (and found 12)
I diverted these from the pile to go to the hospital to her.
And we have plans to start earlier this to do something similar for next year!
(she started making them in September this year and was only a dozen short!) 
Not quite a Santa's knapsack, but close!
You don't have to look very far to find those that need help.

I am still going to give the 5 kids' quilts to the hospital for any Christmas day incidents in the ER!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Midas Monkey Socks

 The Cookie A Monkey Socks are finished!  
I will send them out to their gift giver today!
I did knit them toe up with the same chart over 64 stitches on size 1 needles.
A delicious blend of lace and gold!
And my absence has been due to this teaser (more pics to follow).
We went to Disney with the boys;  it was filled with Christmas decorations and it was magical!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

It's the Pits

 The boys have still been under weather;  the littlest back to the doctor's again even!
I have struggled to participate in my own life....But little by little each night I add a few stitches and finally, the sweater is complete!
I reversed the pattern and knit it  bottom up, this left a little bit of grafting under the arms is all.
Right to blocking so I can get to wearing it!
 I also alternated the cables to zig zag across the front 
and the back!
The sleeves turned out to be a perfect match to the rest of the sweater
even though they were made on the machine!
Now what sweater to make?  I have some sock yarn purchased for one but no idea of a pattern!
And this is what we did this week!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Blocked and Blocks!

 And then I went to the post office to pick this delivery up!
I turned to EBAY to replace my sewing machine that died.
 I bought a Designer Diamond Royale;  all the bells and whistles for the seamstress, quilter and machine embroiderer!
 The embroidery part of the machine is stored in this fancy case!
I immediately ran it through its paces and we are friends already!
I had the two textra Christmas quilt tops pieced in no time!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...