Saturday, April 20, 2019

Begonia Pullover

Work has commenced on the Begonia Pullover.
Or should I say has recommenced ?
You would think I would know better than to start a project with a lot of patterning late at night.
When I sat down with it early this morning, something was off alright.
After a long time of straightening out the knitter's problem with math,
eh, hem, I was able to get it back on track and off to a new start!
The best part is now I know what the lace pattern is doing so I don't have to stare at the chart every few stitches!

The surgery went well, all things considered.  There was a lot more pain for Bill wake up to than either of us anticipated!  Hoping each day will bring a little more relief-there was still a pocket of infection on the bone (elbow) so it is good that the surgery was repeated.  This time at least they closed it up so it can heal and DH can have the use of his right arm back in a few weeks!
 It was hard to see the great bull of a man I am married to in so much pain.....
We both need a down day today.
And we aren't under a tornado threat all day either!


  1. Poor Bill. I hope he is feeling better soon. What an terrible ordeal for both of you.

  2. Have a quiet day of healing! My best to you. Tim (husband)has surgery on Tuesday so it must be that time of the year.

  3. Glad surgery went well. I hope the pain subsides quickly and both of you can finally get back to normal!

  4. I hope he is in much less pain by now. Sending you both positive thoughts. I love that sweater it is going to be gorgeous.

  5. Oops...not fun to have to rip out!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....