Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Dishcloth for Every Citizen!

Two more dishcloths and another pattern in the works!
I am still working on the vest but this is still more portable!
I have such a pile of these dishcloths,
I might cry out like Madame LeFarge and give one to everyone I know...


  1. Nice! They sure are great for portable knitting! (As are socks, too, of course...)

  2. Everyone will gladly accept, appreciate, and use the dishcloths.

  3. Nothing better than handmade dishcloths!

  4. I keep a basket of dishcloths by the front door during December. Everyone who visits is free to take a dishcloth or two. That has been a VERY popular thing to do. Maybe that's an idea for you!

  5. i am sure there will be takers!

  6. That white one is so pretty. I never thought to make one in a solid but it really looks nice. I could use a pile of them in the to dig thru the stash. Lol..


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.