Monday, June 24, 2019


Another Garterlac Dishcloth is finished and I have enough yarn for one more.
Pleasing work in between things.
While cleaning out another corner, 
I found an old project which was an experiment to work out two colors in a single shawl pattern.
I know why it languished;  
it is in lace weight yarn.
Not my favorite at all.
I'm wondering if I should rip it out and work with two strands held together instead.
I can decide after we head out to the doctors again today.


  1. I'm sure you'll come up with just the right thing for those beautiful blues.

    Good luck at the dr.

  2. It is fun to find old hidden projects when you stash clean. It's always a "what was I thinking?" for me.

  3. I don't care to knit with lace weight but I have a few skeins in my stash. I should double it and begin knitting something.

  4. I hope the doctor's appt goes well. Loving the dishcloth, voting for two yarns held together!

  5. I got my socks off the needles, so I cast on for a dishcloth. I whipped one up last night and I'm hoping to get another one out of the remainder of the ball.

  6. That's such a great dishcloth and in my favorite colors too! I don't care much for laceweight so I would vote for two strands together. They are very pretty colors and I think they would look well together. Praying for a good appointment for you both


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These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished! I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simp...