Monday, June 24, 2019


Another Garterlac Dishcloth is finished and I have enough yarn for one more.
Pleasing work in between things.
While cleaning out another corner, 
I found an old project which was an experiment to work out two colors in a single shawl pattern.
I know why it languished;  
it is in lace weight yarn.
Not my favorite at all.
I'm wondering if I should rip it out and work with two strands held together instead.
I can decide after we head out to the doctors again today.


  1. It is fun to find old hidden projects when you stash clean. It's always a "what was I thinking?" for me.

  2. I don't care to knit with lace weight but I have a few skeins in my stash. I should double it and begin knitting something.

  3. I hope the doctor's appt goes well. Loving the dishcloth, voting for two yarns held together!

  4. I got my socks off the needles, so I cast on for a dishcloth. I whipped one up last night and I'm hoping to get another one out of the remainder of the ball.

  5. That's such a great dishcloth and in my favorite colors too! I don't care much for laceweight so I would vote for two strands together. They are very pretty colors and I think they would look well together. Praying for a good appointment for you both


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!