Tuesday, April 23, 2024


I was able to get a ton of knitting time in
 while in the Surgery Center with Bill yesterday! 
 He did well but it is harder to have surgery the older you get! 
 The staff were great but home is much better!
Once home,  Bill took several long naps 
and so I was able to get some piecing done; 
half the blocks I need are done! 
 I am enjoying the secondary pattern that develops!
I was able to do a bit of weaving, too.
  I am finished with the first towel
 (I know this by reaching the end of the 30" ribbon) 
and then wove a different pattern for the hem area
and am moving onto the second towel!  



  1. Hospitals sure don't keep you long these days...but home is better for sure. Glad it went well for Bill. The sock is very pretty.

  2. I am so happy to hear everything went well and Bill is home safe and sound. Whew....I agree that surgery is harder as you get older. The last two The Mister had need to be his LAST. They were as hard on me as they were on him.
    The weaving is gorgeous! I need to sit down and finish that darn towel I started but it's just not that interesting tbh. I'm more interested in starting a scarf I'm warping but I'm waiting for more yarn. I'd forgotten how much yarn you need for a big project. It's a lot. I can see now why weavers charge so much for scarves.

  3. I'm so glad that Bill did well and was able to come home right away. Your projects are great. Love the quilt blocks and the weaving. Don't try to do too much at once. You both need to rest. :-)

  4. Cindy I am so glad surgery went well for Bill. I like your sock and such lovely projects ☺️

  5. Looks like all your projects have a bit of a colour theme! Lol
    Glad Bill's surgery went well.

  6. Prayers for continued healing. Love love love the weaving!!!

  7. Hospital knitting usually goes nicely, doesn't it? Despite the stress.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!