Friday, April 12, 2024


I can't believe I am making this---It is totally out of character
 and yet so I am  pleased with it! lol  I have pieced all of these blocks with half of the Layer Cake but haven't pieced the rows yet.
For this half, I have just put the pieces up on the design wall
 and have not arranged the blocks yet.  I will have to pick up some border fabric and backing for both of these quilts. 
 It's a good thing I am going with Mary 
for some more Shop Hopping today! 
On the knitting front, I managed to match up the yarn for the sleeve okay but the sleeve was too small so I have ripped it out
 and have started again.  
I did write down my changes so I can replicate them
for the second sleeve--I am sure I cannot remember it otherwise! 
 I'm glad I love to knit....



  1. Very fun to be daring! The first one is my favorite…a very pleasing mix of colors. Have fun with Mary! -Marsel

  2. Fun pieces. Enjoy your shop hopping!!

  3. I’m glad you knit too!! I love seeing your creations!

  4. Ohh that new quilt looks cool!! Those blocks are so interesting

  5. Sometimes you just have to let your quilty sense run wild! I love it.
    I just spent the morning ripping out the sleeve of one of the Gray Blobs. I got down to the cuff and I had way too many stitches. My decreasing math stinks.

  6. Very fun quilts and I hope you have fun shopping today and finding just the right fabric to finish them. Oops on the sleeve. We've all done it haven't we? Oh well, we knit because we love it and it just gives us more to knit! :-) Have fun with Mary!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!