Tuesday, April 9, 2024


We didn't have proper glasses to view the Eclipse but we sat with our backs to the sun and just enjoyed the hour together!  We didn't notice a whole lot of darkening and if I didn't know what was going on, I wouldn't have noticed any difference at all!
Now I did see a big difference on the MQAL; 
 it is off the quilting frame and has some binding 
which I will be sewing in place at quilting group today!  
 I also arranged all of the pieces from the layer cake to make a lap sized quilt and then thought if I make the blocks 4 x 5 then I can make two quilts out of the layer cake!  I will make up the first few rows and see how it sizes out before I commit to anything. 
Aside from the size--this kind of quilt is so hard for me--I like order-you know, regular pattern repeats, etc, of traditional blocks so this one is a real stretch for me! 
 I just kind of squinted and placed colors throughout the space! 
 And It still looks like abstract art to me! lol


  1. I like orderly, too, and usually am not a huge fan of the crazy quilt look, but this quilt is very pleasing to me! I think the mottled fabrics and the calming hues of the mid-tones make it work for me. Very pretty and can’t wait to see it together. -Marsel

  2. We were in the 60% so could see it with glasses - but it didn't get as dark as the total places - fun to see tho - okay really it was fun to take and hour and sit outside haha!

  3. We did see the eclipse at 83% or so we're told. It was much like the one when we were in Washington in 2017. It got like dusk and the birds got very quiet.
    Your quilts are very pretty. I can't even imagine the work that goes into them. I finished another crocheted wheelchair blanket and started a new baby blanket last night.
    I hope your day is a wonderful one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I was amazed that with 90% coverage it was still so bright. I wouldn't have known it was happening either if I didn't know it was going on.

  5. Random's an excellent way to place colors. Crazy quilting!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!