Wednesday, April 10, 2024


I did finish the binding at quilting group and when I did the 'voila!' moment, we all went silent.

And the worst part was, I saw it last week when I put the border on and said to myself, 'be sure and fix that before you quilt it!'  Which I promptly forgot by the time I got home.  I was all for taking it back home and ripping out the quilting and re-piecing the block but the QOV Director said that it was perfect just like that and she would be sure it went to just the right Vet. 

 I'm glad but the design goof has plagued me all day!

(This was the MQOV by Alycia at Quilty Girl

she named Stars like Spaghetti.)


  1. Oh no! I would have cried! So nice to have the support of the director!

  2. Its a design element!! you know there is always that one house in the neighborhood facing the wrong way, this house just needed to change so it had a better view!!! it will be loved!!!

  3. I love that the director was there to make the judgment call on it for you. It’s still a strikingly beautiful quilt! On to the next thing! -Marsel

  4. When I saw it in an earlier photo I thought it was a design element. I thought how clever to break up the flow in an unexpected way.

  5. I try to tell myself that no one will notice. And it's likely that no one who isn't a quilter will notice. All that matters is they will feel the warmth and love from being wrapped in a gorgeous quilt!

  6. I like it the way it Araignee said, breaking up the flow is a nice design element.

  7. We're always our own worse critics, aren't we?

  8. It looks great! I agree with the others. Unless you're a quilter, you would never know and even then, it looks like a design element.
    So pretty. It will be very much appreciated and loved by a veteran.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!