Saturday, April 20, 2024


The Heliopsis is in bloom again and has many buds ready to continue the beauty for most of the summer!
But I had to reach quite high to get a picture
 because this plant is 8' tall already! 
 (This is a special plant to me because it came from my Dad in NY several years ago and adapted well to its very different clime!)
This is on my schedule for the weekend!!!  
There are GrandBoys on deck!!!!!


  1. Have a great time! Sending hugs! -Marsel

  2. That's one amazing flower!
    Pool time with the Grands must be wonderful. My grandmother had a pool and we loved spending time with her there.

  3. How fun is that! Pool time with the grandkids. We had Piper yesterday since there was no school and she gets bored at home. Much fun was had by all of us. :-)


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!