Saturday, April 27, 2024



Here is a great link for understanding the stages
 of the Monarch butterfly!
I transferred the chrysalis into this large jar to await the big transformation!
And the towels are off the loom and on the table! 
 The two towels are 24" x 11 1/2" and a 12 1/2" mat.
I did a bit of organizing and found this languishing shawl;  I have pulled it out and knit two twelve row repeats--I am on the decreasing side of the pattern so hope to get this out of the project bag and onto my shoulders!
(It's the Pimpelliese Shawl I started this in 2020-not too long ago!)
And if one wasn't enough, I found this one, too!  Unfortunately, this one didn't have the pattern in the project bag so I will have to try and copy what I have done with a bit of trial and error!  If you recognize it, please say so in the comments.  I will do a deep dive into the archives for my blog and see if I can find it!
(I did find that this is the Close to You shawl but it was buried deeply;  I started this in 2016!)

And I even worked on the inside of the bowl!  I have a few problems in the numerous cracks and will try to glue sawdust in them and see if that helps to make the cuts smooth going.


  1. Our second graders always "grew" Monarch butterflies as a science project. It's a fascinating process to watch.
    Your towels look great. That's a very pretty twill.

  2. I'm so excited and curious to see the butterfly emerge. That's one of my favorite shawl patterns. The Pimpleisse. I know I spelled that wrong. It's easier to knit than spell! Ha! I've probably made a dozen of them and have given them all away, right off of my neck.
    Take care my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Awesome table linens, and love that 1st shawl. What's that pattern? Can't wait to see how the bowl progresses.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!