Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Battening the Hatches

The guys finished up for today, they have to wait for the inspector tomorrow to okay everything before they pour the cement slab. They also enjoyed the light breezes Fay is pushing our way which blew away all the humidity! It is beautiful out right now........

Bill played foreman well this morning.........here the men are putting the footers in for the garage door.
And tamping down the fill in the breezeway area.

The veranda is all ready-see the steps.........they have done a good job with bringing my ideas to reality! The plumber is here.....he set out lines for the bathroom and decided we didn't leave a wide enough area by the toilet for Bill's shoulders. We did some measuring and have widened the bathroom by 3". Easier to do now than to wish we had later-it was fun to see the parameters set out for the bedroom , closet and bathroom....I did a walk through!

The men found this old bottle-can you read it?!

(Pepto-Mangan "Gude")

It doesn't have factory made screw lines on the mouth-a cork stopper had to be used instead so we know it is older. It does have markings on the bottom so I looked it up-it is from the around 1910 from the Dr A Gude & Co worth about $10. We have quite a collection of old bottles from here now. (No, they are not worth enough to sell; just to admire!)

We have had a band of rain come through this morning-very heavy for 10 minutes...just a reminder to us to get ready for Fay as she makes her appearance! We are all stocked up (food and water) and have removed 'flying objects' from around the yard. It will bring us the much needed rain and will hopefully not knock out power for too long! (I posted early today just in case we do lose power!)

1 comment:

  1. Your house looks very happy about the beginning of her makeover!

    Be sure to blow hard enough to get some of that rain up our way when you're done with it. :)


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.