Thursday, August 7, 2008

A 'DUH' Moment

I have been quilting for an hour ---following each design that I had traced,

ripping out the paper and picking up all the pieces. Then repeating it for the next section....

I was thinking about how many quilts I have done this way-years and years of this way, before I had a new frame and.........

Then I had a flash -I don't have to trace each pattern anymore--I have a laser light to trace the designs--no pencil tracing and quilting through the stabilizer patterns and ripping them out and cleaning up and wasting all my time.............I have a laser light to follow the patterns!

Good grief.

I feel elated and deflated all at once. I am laughing more than fussing now because I have discovered this fact at the beginning of this quilt-not the end!
By the way, I am using white thread to quilt this with-white backing has a white bobbin and it looks very old fashioned and pleasing in every way-thanks for the advice all-even if I didn't do it the way you suggested, you will all like the final result! Trust me, she says..............

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely MY mother!!!

    As Bruce would say to me, "What's your IQ?!" :)


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.