Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Felines- Our Lena Love

 Lena has been very interested in the cat doors we have.  
This one leads to the pool patio.  
 She recently got her paw stuck trying to push the door open.
When she withdrew her paw, it got stuck in the swinging door 
and she screamed to crazily, I wasn't sure what I was hearing! 
 This happened a few days ago.
Here she is looking out the door......she didn't know I was snooping;
 ...after staring at the door for a minute, 
she picked up her mousie and played instead.
Yes, it is much safer to love a mousie than to experience a pinched paw!

For those of you who have read the blog for some time, this is the cat Bill found hiding in our garage just before my birthday, last December.
She had broken her hind leg from an animal attack and survived.
After months of vet visits and bills, 
she is a most loving member of our family!
(The leg was not amputated but instead was set so it is permanently straight.
She runs and jumps with abandon so we feel we made the right choice!)


  1. What a cutie!! so glad you found her and cared for her.

  2. Kitty door drama...I know it well. Isn't she just the luckiest little sweetheart!!

  3. She's a beauty! I'm sure she'll get the door figured out one of these days.

  4. She is beautiful!!!!

    When we first moved to the apartment Giroux was VERY interested in the front door. Now .......he steers clear. I think he figures the noises on the other side are up to no good.

  5. Aaaaw she is gorgeous, what a lovely thing you did, rescuing her and taking her in.
    Have a great weekend,

  6. Lucky Lena. Wow. I am amazed with cats that make the transition from ? outdoors all the time, to indoors.

  7. She is so sweet. Even with an amputation, you'd be surprised how well they still run and jump. But still - always better to keep the limb if you can!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....