Friday, September 22, 2017

The Perfume of Fairies!

 Night blooming Cereus is worth staying up way too late to sit and admire and 
breathe in the amazing savor of this bloom! 
 I am losing my sense of smell but am so grateful this still can cause an aromatic thrill!
 Look at this center!
 The bloom looks delicate but it is a very large and substantial flower!  
The center is 2" across!
The common name for this flower is Dutchman's Pipe because of the stem supporting the bloom-
This is what it looked like this morning--see the 'pipe'?
I knew tonight was THE night because of the exploding bloom.
This was the bloom last weekend so you can see how it has, well, blossomed in just a week!


  1. that is one alien looking plant. Beautiful but so very mysterious!

  2. That is a fragrance like no other. Glad you caught it's brief visit.

  3. I had no idea some flowers only bloomed at night. I wish your photos could transport the fragrance.

  4. Such exotic beauty! Some day I will watch one with you!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....