Thursday, September 21, 2017

Trip Ups!

 When we went to the beach on Tuesday, I realized when we arrived home that I had left one of my flip flops on the pavement next to my car door-you know, sit down, wipe the foot, swing it in, repeat with other foot, shut the door and drive away!  I could cry-I live in these things!!!!  Needless to say, a new pair are on their way but still!  I was so mad at myself!
 Last night as I was knitting on the second sock and measured it to the first one to see how far to the heel-I knew I was close-I noted that the second sock seemed narrower.....I stretched and then I counted.   Yes, 4 stitches narrower which adds up to 1/2" narrower.  One stitch I would fudge but not 4.  I hurried and ripped out before I could fall apart!  (I am now almost back to this point thanks to a nice wait at the doctor's this afternoon but at least they were fitting me in so I shouldn't complain! )
And I could see I was running short of yarn on the messy bun hat so I thought I was close enough and did the ribbing to be done.   Well, there is a difference between quitting and finishing.   It was not finished.  I had to send for another skein.  It's a good thing I am not a novice knitter or I might just go fishing instead!


  1. Oh lawsy have had a BAD day! Hang on. The weekend is coming!!!

    Love the little paw project marker.

  2. Oh, no!!! I live in my exact same black Croc flip flops. I have worn the same ones for at least 10 years. I would die if I lost one. And for the knitting, wow...I think I would go fishing too.

  3. "They" say bad things happen in threes, so I think you're safe now that all this has happened.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....