Saturday, September 9, 2017

Soft and Inviting!

 The window seat is finished!  
I have wanted to make this for a long time 
but the foam is almost at the price of gold!
  (I had to wait for a good coupon! lol)
 The sun was too bright for the photos no matter what I tried!
You get the idea! 
 (A fun fact about the white shelves on the right of the hope chest/window seat(which Bill bought me the Christmas before we married!)
-they are real orange crates from my mother's time when they were used to make a vanity table for her as a child! 
 They were also used in the same way for me growing up 
and for my daughter, too! 
 I painted them and used them for shelves 
when I moved her almost 11 years ago!)
 It didn't take long for the sky to do this today! 
 I think we will be getting used to this kind of sky for a while!  
Ominous, isn't it?! 
 I was able to sew two pairs of jammie pants,
 in flannel because the boys like pants to sleep in!
And I have to admit- they are the snuggliest with or without the new pj's!


  1. Adorable pants for adorable boys! I love the window seat idea. Daddio's house had two beautiful built in ones that overlooked the bay. I loved to sit and knit there. Oh, how I miss that house.
    Stay safe! I'll be keeping a lookout on the weather channel all weekend. I better not see you fly by!!!

  2. I used orange crates for shelves when I lived at home. I wonder what happened to them. Good memories.

    Sweet photo of the boys in their new PJs.

  3. Great job on the window seat.

    Your boys couldn't get any cuter!!!

  4. Those pajamas are so cute -- and even cuter on the boys!

  5. Ooooh, I want to snuggle those pj-clad boys! I wish!! The fabrics are adorable. The seat turned out great, and I love the organized look. Fun to see the shelves and the hope chest in their new duties!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....