Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Stitch by Stitch it Grows

The little cardigan grows...I did laugh as I put the sleeve stitches on waste yarn this time-
I wanted the colors to flow down the body of the sweater first.  
The problem with using the Big Color Change Cakes, no matter the brand,
is that now the sleeves will be two different colors!
Not sure that I am going to like the outcome.
Perhaps these big color cakes are better for scarves or hats....

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Slow Work

 Boy Wonder is running a high fever;  all my appointments were cancelled for the day so we sat togeter on the couch most of the day!  I traced all the applique pieces for the wall hanging, cut them out, ironed them onto the appropriate fabric during one of his naps, sat by him and cut the fabric out when I could!  By bedtime, the pile was completed!
I did piece a few more rows on the background-
since he woke up with the fever still, there will be no going anywhere today either-
sorry for him to be sick but loving the reprieve of all the appointments!!!

He is so funny - when he woke up this morning,
he says, "I feel like the old man in the movie UP;
I can't just get up in the morning without a lot of tries!!!"
Welcome to old age, Boy Wonder!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Silky Again

My daughter-in-law admired my hanging pot holder
 knit from the DarnGoodYarn company
so I made one for her! 
 I will pop it in the mail today!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Helping Hands

While Bill is off duty in his cast, Caleb helped his Grandfather put on a new roof for the shed. 
His wife entertained the kids and then while we were eating lunch-a train came through!  
What a wonder for them to see!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

And Washed!

 Not only is the quilting finished, the lap quilt is also completely bound off and done!
 Each color has its own design of stitching....
I immediately tossed it into the washer and dryer so it is truly finished!
The texture really comes alive after this treatment-just the look I like!
And I even remembered to include my little label!
This was the mystery quilt by Merry Mayhem I did on New Year's Day;  
not bad,  I have it done before 2019!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lace on the Needles!

I am trying to wrap up all the old projects for lots of reasons but this is one of them-
I cast on for a new child's cardigan!
This pattern is the one my Mom used to knit for me so many years ago!
It is a top down sweater and the lace design incorporates the increases for the yoke.
It is a wonderful pattern and both mom and I are making it
with the large acrylic balls of color we each received for Christmas!
This is my sweet Lena.
The great talker-especially in the morning!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wrapping it Up....

 The Jacob wool vest is near a wrap up-I am working up the back area,
 ready to bind off for the neck.
I don't put the stitches from the fronts on separate waste yarn;
  I always just start knitting, leaving the unused stitches on the rest of the needle. 
 It works for me!
I only have a half hour of work left for the quilt frame. 
I have several more little quilts awaiting their turn for loading!
I think I have put the last of the brush strokes on the class assignment.
I don't like still life but it is good for me to do more than I want;
I will begin the one in my mind's eye today, I hope!
This was the view out of our classroom window.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cast Wars!

 The Azaleas are very early with the wonderful weather in the 80's we have enjoyed this last week.
 There are lots of bees and it is so pretty to pass this hedge of flowers on the way to the mailbox each day.
This side of the driveway has a lot more sunshine and is in full bloom while the other side which is in shade is just starting to get a few open blooms. 
 Nice for us because it extends our viewing pleasure!
 Even the Agave are enjoying greening up with  the sunshine and warmth.
(this plant is 4' tall!)
Something else that is greening up around here-
Bill has cast number two and this one goes up his leg-
he needs a bit of a 'boost' with the healing after foot surgery weeks ago;
Will's wrist is healing well and he wanted a Spring color on his arm now!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Finished Vest!

 The vest is finished-buttons and all!  The buttons are wooden, dyed olive green with variations in color which makes them just right!
 I blocked it out all day-the skeins almost matched but they are close enough for me and I am not knitting another front for this vest! lol  (I had several false attempts for this pattern!)
And here it is modeled for you on the dress form and not on me because it was in the 80's today and so this vest is finished in time to go into the pile for next winter's wools! So, I am ahead, right?!

This was a kit I ordered from Mary Maxim, using their acrylic yarn, Prism DK, in the Autumn Mist colorway.  I did lengthen the body of the vest so it wasn't cropped and there was plenty of yarn for this alteration.  I would make this again using some of my own wool next time!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Stage II

I have so enjoyed the knitting on this shawl!
And now the lace section begins-it will be time to think a bit more;
I'm hoping it is an easy to follow lace design.
I could see I was going to run out of yarn so last week, I ordered another skein of Chroma Twist.
By the time I hit the end of this skein, I should have the new one and so will be able to take right off on the new!

I have been working on the other projects I have on the needles 
so this should be a week of finishes!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

CopyCat II

 Gifted bag number two;  what a great way to use those old dresser scarves you can't bear to part with but are useless as they are!  
 The bag was about 12" tall and 10' wide with boxed corners-very straight forward as far as a pattern goes and so much simpler to copy!
The lining on this bag was very reminiscent of a picnic to me!
 Here is my version!  I added a handle on the side and my tag on the other!
 The pretty baskets had to be way down on the bag because it was scalloped 
and I had to square it up;
it worked out just fine.
I put a small print blue and white cotton for the lining!
Nothing like a little bit of inspiration to set the creative juices going!
I don't know about you but I have a pile of old linens to re-purpose this way!
And I think the smaller ones will get pieced together on a piece of muslin
so I can then cut the pattern pieces out from that!

Friday, February 16, 2018


 It started with being gifted this little knitting bag. 
 It is so handy and I knew my Mom would love one, too.
 Just a simple size and shape but I had to figure out how to sew all the curved seams without the need for hand stitching!  It worked and the next bag will go together even quicker than-
 ...this one!  The bag I was gifted was a silky print on the outside and a light cotton on the inside to hold things in place so I did the same.  Next time, I will probably use some batik!
I did remember to put in one of my labels! 
 Well , I remembered before I had stitched the whole thing up-
I did have to use the seam ripper to make the opening for it!
I dropped it off to Mom  on the way to the doctor's-
Littlest One is running a high fever-never boring is right; 
 now there are three patients in the house-two in casts and one fevered brow! 
 Talk about short=staffed for nurses!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lost in Space

 I loaded up the quilt frame-it was time to get a bit done! 
 I am doing something different in each of the colored blocks.  Nice to be at work here again!
 I pieced one more row-not much but bit by bit this will get completed!
 I also laid out the next row and began the piecing. 
 Next is stitching down each of the fringed edges on the inside
 and then to attach it to the row above. 
 Easy work if I just remain methodical at each step of the process.
 I sat down and spun.  It's been forever again!  
I am spinning some fiber called mint from Paradise Fibers.
  It feels like SeaCell which I have spun before. 
 But it is going to be spun and then we will see what I have for yarn!
And this totally appealed to me as a pattern-fragments of me falling away.
It's called Shattered.
I could be more positive and turn the pattern upside down
and see myself as being filled up.
It's just that I am so tired, it is more the latter right now.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A View

 This is the old section of town-a very typical town tree
 that has been 'groomed' to fit around electric wires!  (Live Oak).
 Our Redbud trees are decorating the neighborhoods!
 How's this for quilt blocks?  I would've enjoyed laying these, I 'm sure!
Oh, and if you think my life has grown boring....we add a little spice like this. 
 A swing set trick gone bad.  Cast colors chosen for Valentine's Day.  
 I think we will be picking colors for quite a few holidays
 before we are finished with this adventure!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Silver Leaf

The birth of a shawl.........
is there anything more satisfying than the beginning of a shawl?
So few stitches and so much excitement to begin!
I am knitting this outside, the temperature is in the 80's and the relaxation is sweet!
The pattern is easy to memorize and with the help of a progress keeper,
it keeps you on target for increasing or decreasing stitches as needed!
  I am using Chroma Twist, a superwash, fingering weight in the color, Surfs up.
                    (The top color is spot on........not the bottom pic which was taken at bedtime!)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Hands On!

 I made my own version of the Rhinebeck is Calling fingerless mitts. 
 I shortened the thumb gusset and the length of the mitt after the thumb
 to better fit the elderly recipient.
You can see how much shorter I made these
 than the ones on the right that were gifted to me.
These mitts will be stylish, comfortable and easy to care for
 in the WanderingCatYarn of single ply superwash Merino!
Since I have so much yarn leftover, 
I am making a pair of plain mitts like this for my oldest granddaughter to wear!
  She will love the color and the fit of these slim mitts!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...