Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Harvest is In!

 I now have a collection of pumpkings!  Tfhe skein of  Red Heart yarn yielded three-nice!
 I even branched out on the machine and tried a different kind of shaping
 for the bottom of one of the pumpkins-just because.
 And the last little bit of the yarn was used to make a little baby's pumpkin topper!
I also used up the last of the Caron yarn for a rolled brim hat and an extra pom-pom.
All the yarn I bought is used up and now for some more yarn
 for some ribbed brim hats to continue to add to the donation pile!
 The day was also spent with somo piecing going on!
All of the components are made but now I have to move them around to see which goes where.
This is where I love to use the camera to really SEE how it looks.  
Then I will do some more piecing to sew this unit together!
And the fun isn't over-I still have the borders to do! 
 I'm glad;  this has been a very interesting and enjoyable project!


  1. oh oh oh I LOVE those pumpkins!!!!!! Awesome fun fall coming up!

  2. You've had a very craft week. Love the little pumpkins! You are READY for October!!!

  3. Progress is being made on all fronts, so good for you! I am lagging with the summer, but hope the Fall will bring a renewed productivity!

  4. Pumpkins!!! They are just too cute.
    I have always loved that quilt kit but all those points scare me to death.

  5. Well done. Your pumpkin patch looks fun. I'm eager to get my sewing room more organized so I can start quilting again. I've managed to knit a bit this week, so I'm sure I'll get to the sewing machine soon.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.