Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Borders, Boys, Bees

 I managed to piece the top border so far-it is all easy stitching.
   I haven't pieced each of the blocks yet so I am doing this backwards-
doing the border first and working in!  
I am trusting my math for all the cut pieces!
 I whipped off two boy hats.  Do you pom-pom the boy ones, too? 
 I am going to look into a different type of decrease for the hat so it is not so gathered at the top. 
 I will have a learning curve which will slow me down
 but I want to give it a try to have a more streamlined style cap.
 The big Queen Palm bloom is drooping but it is still busy with bees.  
At first light and all the way until dark, you will see the bees gathering pollen.
This is what people who have this kind of tree complain about-
it drops all those little nodes on the ground. 
 If it fell on a sidewalk, I can see how it would be a pain
 but these fall on the bromeliads on the ground and they probably like it!


  1. I don't pom little boy hats but I sure would like to! Hats don't look right without one imho.

  2. I pompom all hats for kids under 8. After that, they get to choose. But if it's an unknown recipient, I would still pom pom.

  3. I don't put poms on hats. They're cute, but I'd rather use the yarn for other projects.

  4. I think you can put pom poms on boys hats. I've noticed that the sports beanies usually have pom poms.

  5. I pom pom all genders! It would also hide the gathering a bit if that's an issue. Cute, cute!

  6. Ive never seen nodes like that! interesting. Poms .....usually for girls I think, but who cares these days!

  7. I think pom poms are fine for both genders. I haven't ever made one myself. They seem very popular right now, so I really should give it a try.

  8. So many beautiful hats! I love your yarn choices. As far as pom pom goes, follow your heart, regardless if it's for a boy or girl, remember you knit for your own joy as well.

  9. Thanks so much for the inspiration to dust off my machine and get to work. Like you, I'm working on hats to become familiar with my machine and to try out different techniques. If you check You Tube for Roberta Rose Kelley hat videos, you'll find some ideas for flatter crowns. Diana Sullivan may have some, also. Thanks again!!

  10. Don't you just love watching bees work? I know i do.

    Are you finishing the hats by hand or trying to do the whole hat on the knitting machine?

  11. Love the blocks and borders.. and you design wall is fantastic!!!xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!