Saturday, April 13, 2019

To Finish, To Start

I plan to finish the blocks to this sampler quilt.
I will dig through the stash and see if I have fabric for sashing and borders. 
 I have only two more blocks to finish and they will be savored in the piecing!
 I also want to finish this baby boy sweater on the knitting machine.
And this sweater will be cast on today!
A fingering weight sweater in broken rib and a little bit of lace.
I hope it is as enjoyable as I expect!


  1. That quilt is just too much fun. It reminds me of my poor Dear Jane who is gathering dust at the moment.

  2. I wondered the same thing as Dee - is the lace sweater going to be hand or machine knit. The celery-colored yarn is gorgeous.

  3. Same question as everyone else. I do not have the patience to do a sweater in fingering by hand!

  4. Looks like you have a good array of projects to keep you interested!

  5. That sweater pattern is really pretty. I love the shaping. How flattering!

  6. Love the new sweater! That lace at the bottom is so pretty

  7. Lots of pretty blocks in that sampler! I am finally working on a small quilt for DD#2. Oh why am I such a procrastinator? Hope you answer the lacy sweater questions as I am curious also.

  8. It is fun to see the quilt blocks again — I forgot that they were all interesting patterns! Glad you can enjoy them and finally give them life as a quilt.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....