Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sun Bonnet

 Sun hat was cut out and assembled!
 It will be so pretty on the little miss.
 I always add a bit of elastic in the back to help it stay put.
The breeze on the beach can be brisk!
 And here is a pair of mini socks!
These are really so small-they would fit a very new newborn!
I will keep that in mind in future;  I bet these would stay put on those wiggly feet!
I've used up all of the kitchen cotton yarn at present;
I think I have satisfied that itch for a while.
Nice way to close out the month.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Medicated and Mending!

I will be up and running soon enough.
Right now, it is good to be horizontal and able to knit.

Friday, June 28, 2019

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Dr Visits....

 What a week!  
The flowers are still beautiful even if no one walks around admiring them.
 I accomplished nothing in the line of crafting, really, but I made plans.
This layout is for a sun hat for a little girl at church.
 This will be for a pair of socks with a cable in the Kroy;  plain colored so the cables will show up!
The multi-colored is for a friend who has a birthday next week.  
It is wool-free;  I am anxious to see how the socks feel when I am finished!
And my quilt blocks have been calling.
Since it is me who has to go to the doctor today, 
I am hoping I will be a powerhouse of energy tomorrow to spend time in the studio!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Infirmary News!

 It's been an infirmary here...
I've been sick so we added two sick hitch hikers!
One likes to see the sun rise!
 Along with our friendly 4" grasshopper on the screen!
 The mandevilla is the fullest it's ever been!
 The red blooms are amazing and aromatic! 
 We had never noticed their fragrance before but it is light and sweet!
Oh, and little guy? 
 He sleeps in a bit longer!
Everyone is on meds and should be feeling better  as soon as we can get their fevers down!
One little dishcloth has been completed.
And one little miniature sock
just for the experiment!
It is only 2 1/2" long and high!
It is a fast machine knit which is good 'cuz it is all the time I have to spare!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Dishcloth for Every Citizen!

Two more dishcloths and another pattern in the works!
I am still working on the vest but this is still more portable!
I have such a pile of these dishcloths,
I might cry out like Madame LeFarge and give one to everyone I know...

Monday, June 24, 2019


Another Garterlac Dishcloth is finished and I have enough yarn for one more.
Pleasing work in between things.
While cleaning out another corner, 
I found an old project which was an experiment to work out two colors in a single shawl pattern.
I know why it languished;  
it is in lace weight yarn.
Not my favorite at all.
I'm wondering if I should rip it out and work with two strands held together instead.
I can decide after we head out to the doctors again today.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Snuggles , Swim, Repeat!

 Ahhh, nothing like a son to help you out when you can't do something yourself!
Caleb and family came for a visit as Alicia was leaving Friday;
there were some repairs that were timely and Bill isn't able to do them -
namely, to repair a hole starting in the pool!  Epoxy was applied to fill in the dimple!
There was also a loose decorative tile that was replaced.  
How nice to repair it at this point instead of having it become so much worse!
 While the kids did some serious pool time,
I knit a bit on another garterlac dishcloth and these little coasters.
 Here is the fallen limb crew that worked to cut it up and pull it off of my grapefruit tree!
 Snuggles were indeed precious today!  Bill celebrated his 68th birthday-it was a perfect day!
 After everyone left and Bill was taking a nap, I pieced another block;
you can see how some interesting secondary designs will show up in the quilt top! 
Look who is blooming again!  
Just too beautiful-just like our last few days!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Squared Off

 It's amazing what you can accomplish when you stay home all day!
This quilt went together, was loaded and stitched and then I moved onto the next one!
 A quick job on this one , too!
Next I will be adding the binding so I can add these two to the pile for donations!
 And I am proud to say I have another completed pair of socks!  
The Patons Kroy makes a very hardy pair of socks!
And best of all, my niece came for a visit while here on vacation!
We went out for a lunch on the deck of Corky Bell's, along with her friends!
Look who stopped in for a bit of sunning
 and swimming!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Old Kitten?!

 I staged my usual picture to show the latest knitting project;
another Garterlac Dishcloth with a new skein of cotton yarn.
Nyki wanted to sit close to what I was doing.
Fine up to then but....
 after she heard the camera click,
 she made her move!
 In no time, she had the skein on one side of my dresser,
 then did several moves to emulate a baboon 
as I replaced the skein and dishcloth over and over.
And then sat placidly looking at me like nothing had happened!
Cats are amazing pets!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

A Foot Up

Experience is turning this into a very interesting project on the LK150.
I am proud to say I've solved the holes in the short row heels and toe
learned how to seam invisibly!
This is the seam side of the sock.
Practice does go a long way toward perfect.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Making Pieces

I managed to rotary cut all of the pieces to begin a new quilt!
I had purchased this kit a year ago and am just getting to it!
I will be making two lap quilts from this one larger top.
I even stitched one 12 " block together for inspiration!   
 Look what my Fernandina Beach grands pointed out to their dad!
It is a rare pink katydid;
the equivalent to an albino in the insect world of katydids.
Doesn't it look so pretty?!  
What a great find!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Large and Small

 The Vest has gotten a bit cumbersome for carrying in my purse 
but I did work on it while riding in the car.
 Especially when I finished this pretty early on our outing yesterday!
The garter stitch entrelac is a great way to exercise the knitting grey cells!
And this was our view from our table for lunch at Crabby Joe's in Daytona Shores.
A lovely day as long as we had to be out and about!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Heigh Ho, It's Off We Go

 I started this dishcloth last night,
I thought it would be a good project to take to yet another doctor's appointment.
The vest I am knitting is getting too large to fit in my purse anymore
to qualify for waiting  room knitting!
It is working up very prettily in my favorite colors found in this yarn!
This is the only doctor appointment this week--see me smile!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Stitching Happened!

 Yesterday, I finished piecing the charm pack blocks and immediately loaded it onto the frame!
I enjoyed a half hour of wild meanders for the quilting. 
I cut and pieced the binding fabric
and applied it right away.
It sure felt good to be quilting again!
As soon as I was done with the quilt,
I put the other two piles of charms up on the design wall.
Now I have two more charity quilts to piece!
These were the charms I collected on the shop hop in March;
I separated them into piles of like colors being sure I had 63 for a quilt top.
I think this concludes the charms I received then
by no means does it exhaust the stash of those 5" blocks!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...