Saturday, July 23, 2022


While Bill mowed, I did a bit of piecing for the girl's quilt.  This is as far as I got but will finish piecing the rows today.

And then, there are two rows of borders to sew on.  

And when Bill was finished mowing, lunched and cooled off, he helped me rearrange the woodshop! I moved the old lathe out, turned my lathe and tool chest 90 degrees.
 Now there is so much more room to maneuver!

Here's a panoramic view of my tools all lined up with the wood shelves to make a 'room' in the garage!
  It's about a 15' x 15' area.
Now everything is open and roomy to work in 
and that makes me smile. 
 I have plans for two projects today!


  1. Very pretty but I think you have the last block in row three turned the wrong way.

  2. That's a very sweet quilt! It is nice to have your "toys" all arranged so they are handy. I am in the process of doing the same with mine. Nothing as heavy as yours That must have been some job!


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