Friday, July 1, 2022


I think I have the pieces arranged okay but I'm not positive! 
 I hope to start sewing today!
We had a wonderful time of cutting and gabbing yesterday!  Mary is working her quilt in these plaid flannels.  Because there were only 5 different colors of 5 blocks wide, she is going to rotate the colors in diagonals.  We cut out enough pieces for 30 blocks (5 x 6 layout) and then a few extras for just in case.  Now each of us has to sew a few together to get the feel for this and then we will be loading it on the frame in no time!  
And it's July 1st!!!!!


  1. Oh, I get it now. I wondered how you sewed them together. How clever it that? What a great kid's quilt that would make.

  2. Those are going to be such fun quilts. I've never seen anything like them. I can't even imagine sewing them together.
    Can you believe it's July 1st? It seems unbelieveable.

  3. They look cool - i really like that plaid version!

  4. A new kind of jigsaw puzzle. So pretty!


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These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished! I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simp...