So when I pieced the top border yesterday, it was way too long! So I went back to the instructions and found that I had forgotten to apply the two skinny borders first! Guess what I will be doing today!
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I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire. We are devastated.
Oh, I love to see these throughout daughter' yard! The prednisone has been great to give me a boost; a boost so good that I haven...
I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire. We are devastated.
I’ve been missing from my blog and almost missing from life since the doctor misdiagnosed my stomach pain last week through shoddy doctori...
Oh, dear....spending time with the ripper is one of my least favorite hobbies.
ReplyDeleteBeen there many times . . .
ReplyDeleteIsn't it nice that most projects are fixable? It's going to be great!
It’s a beautiful scene!
ReplyDeleteOh no! Hopefully you will recover and be on to the finish.