Saturday, July 9, 2022


This is as far as I got with the new quilt....I squared up the panel.
I did finish piecing the puzzle quilt, though.  Still feeling too rotten to think much!
Bill did need me in the afternoon to steer hiim while he moved this portable garage!
He did his usual jerry-rigging to make a lift frame attaching it to the rear and front pick-up on his tractor.
I had to clear obstacles and tell him right, left, straight or STOP!
We made it around the bamboo, past the boys boat fort, past the beauty bushes, around our boat and finally---- 
planted in its temporary home for the tractor.  (You do realize that tempory is a relative word!)


  1. Your property sounds like an adventure island! The new "temporary" home for the garage looks like a good place for it. I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. You've sure gotten a lot accomplished though.

  2. What a clever way to move the enclosure.

  3. I had to show that portable garage to The Mister. He would love to have a place to put the riding mower in the summer so we don't have to keep pulling it in and out of the shed. It takes more time to get it out than it does to mow which is not saying much to the state of the shed. The Mister does love his piles of junk.
    Hope you are feeling better soon. I've had a 3 day migraine that is finally starting to see it's way out.


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The pair of socks I started on my way to NY is a done deal!   This yarn is Knit picks Static in Cabot Cove.   It was an easy match for this ...