Thursday, June 30, 2022


A friend was having trouble with piecing this new quilt.  
It was a puzzle for her because she was trying to make them blocks at a time but these pieces have to be put on a design wall before you sew anything otherwise you would never know what color to put where with the 'knobs' of the puzzle pieces getting its color from its neighbor!
I had fun digging through the stash and finding 16 different colors so there would be no repeats!  Isn't this a great pattern?
I'm looking forward to a pleasant day of sewing and chatting with a good friend!


  1. What a fun pattern and what a GREAT stash buster!

  2. I think trying to do that would make my head spin!

  3. That looks so difficult! I would NEVER be able to wrap my head around all of those pieces and what goes where. :-)
    Have fun sewing with your friend.

  4. I love patterns like that, but I tend to avoid them because I can't make them one block at a time.

  5. Fun puzzle quilt. Thank heaven for design walls/floors!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.