Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Since I haven't touched my embroidery since last week, I have tiny pins to show you this Tuesday!  They are made especially for quilters to number each block so you don't get them out of order when you walk from the design wall to the sewing machine--sometimes those few feet are just too much and the blocks get out of order or upside down! lol  Problems solved when numbered and if you put the pin in straight showing its orientation, no goofs should result!

I managed to load the table runner on a bit of scrap for a backing.  I didn't have the oomph to actually do any stitching because I've come down with a cold--a good old-fashioned one.  I spent most of the last few days horizontal.  
This was my snuggly--a new skein of yarn came in the mail!  I am working to finish up the blue sock so I can start another pair in this tropical looking yarn!  More info when I wind the yarn into a ball and actually start the socks.
  (or maybe a shawl like Meredith is knitting!!

I have to go today and get my final examination from the hand doctor to make sure I have reached his motion expectations.  I definitely don't have full range or stamina in the thumb, yet I can do almost everything I need to do so time will just yield better results will be my guess!  Bill is driving me so I can close my eyes and rest on the way.  And maybe even knit a bit!



  1. Wishing you a good check-up with the doctor. Pretty new yarn - can't wait to see it knit up. I have never seen those numbered pins before...but then, I don't quilt. Good idea though!

  2. The pins are a great idea…I can just picture a quilter who encountered the scenario you describe coming up with the idea after sewing yet another block in the wrong order! The yarn is gorgeous.

  3. I like those pins, I must hunt some up! All the best at the docs, hope you get the all clear... gorgeous yarn and beautiful table runner! You've been busy! xx

  4. Those pins are brilliant and that yarn is glorious! Good luck today!

  5. Praying for good results from the hand doctor today and also that the cold will be a short-lived one. The pins are a brilliant idea. I haven't quilted much but can just imagine how they could cut down on stress of getting everything in order correctly. That table runner is turning out so pretty and patriotic. Love the yarn. I got some new yarn too. Such a happy day when you get new yarn. Like Christmas!
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Oh, I like the look of that yarn - can't wait to see how it knits up.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!