Friday, June 17, 2022


 Is there any better thought than to know you are loved?! 
 These guys came to help me feel better;
we spent a lot of time here yesterday bc it was very hot out 
and the pool is delicious!
  It's the only way to handle a heat wave!


  1. My grandmother had a pool and I have such fond memories. She never swam in it. She just sat by it and enjoyed all the company she had from everyone who came for a visit and a swim. Everyone thought she was crazy when she had it put in but it kept her from being lonely all summer.

  2. Of course you are loved! I'm glad they came to visit with you. We could use a pool during the next week or so. Upper 90's and 100's. I'll be hibernating in the basement.

  3. How sweet!!! I am sure you feel 100% better already. Chrisknits


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.