Tuesday, June 7, 2022


 How's this for an embroidery case?! 
It is the wooden case that my lathe tools came in,
 so now that they are in the new tool chest, 
I knew right away what I would do with it. 
 The stitching was thoroughly good this week; 
 I only have the center flowers group 
and I haven't found the color I want for them  yet. 
Still, I think it will be finished by next week!


  1. That's a great case!

  2. The case is perfect for embroidery. You can see all of the floss at a glance and it's not buried in something deeper. Your stitchery is coming right along and so pretty.

  3. Yes, we are at the stage where we can't throw away a good box/storage container!! LOL But you are right, it's perfect!

    1. It's me, Chrisknits I keep forgetting!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.