Sunday, October 22, 2023


I made a small jelly fish, with eyes, just so I could have a small one to give to kids!  The bigger one will look good hanging out in the new lanai sitting area--more on that next week!  
The extra inch of the sweater body was done and then the ribbing on the front and a slightly longer one was added to the back!  I even started on the sleeves!
  The pain is letting up in  my head but I've been down so long, it is hard to be up for very long;  I fear it is going to take another few weeks to get back to full strength again. 
 A lesson on perseverance, without a doubt.

****if you set your goal low,
 you will have the encouragement of reaching it!


  1. Awww.....what a cutie! It must be so frustrating to still not be at 100%. I know it's driving The Mister crazy. Active people don't take kindly to being down and out for very long.

  2. Sorry to learn you've not been feeling well! I hope the pain will be gone soon. The kids will love the new critter. It's a great accomplishment when you get to the sleeves of a sweater, isn't it? Yours is going to be very pretty!

  3. The sweater is looking wonderful. You do beautiful work. And that tiny octopus is so sweet. Kids will love it.
    I'm sorry that you're still not completely up to snuff. I do like your motto though. Any goal is better than none!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!