Sunday, October 8, 2023


 Yesterday morning I ripped out this sweater--I had used needles that were too small and it felt like armor and not a nice knit sweater!  Yup, I ripped it all out and re-knit it while I was down for the count .  It felt good to do it all again, really!  The fabric has drape now even when I  am using worsted weight yarn.  It's okay to rip out when you need to!


  1. I agree. As frustrating as it can be to rip it out, it's better in the long run because then you'll be happy with the finished product. It looks great!

  2. I've done that before too. When it doesn't feel right you just know it. Too bad we don't know it sooner than we usually do.

  3. Oh - if I had to do that to the big grey sweater, I would cry! You have more fortitude than I!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!