Thursday, October 5, 2023


Bill moved the vegetable boxes over to their permanent home!  It is near to a live oak tree so I can sit and rest and admire the soon-to-be young plants!  The broken park bench is going to get a makeover so match the boxes while I will keep the iron work black.  We bought the soil last night and I am filling the boxes first thing today!
This little 'wheelbarrow' has held plants but the wood rotted away.  I will take it apart, replace the rotted wood and give it a new coat of paint  so it will be better than ever. 
 It will hold flowers and brighten my gardening corner! 
The humidity is much lower and there is a beautiful breeze again;
I will be outside doing a ton of things that have been neglected during our brutal heat wave!


  1. Change in the weather over here, too. Only around 100 during the day -- Fall is upon us in the desert. :) Time to start planting.

  2. You have quite the list of projects and I think they're all great. Love the beautiful color you're painting everything with. So happy! Enjoy your time in the outdoors. We finally have a nice cool down too.

  3. I wish our humidity would go away. The dew is so heavy it looks like it rained every morning. Ugh. The boxes are stunning. They are going to looks so nice when they are filled with growing things.

  4. This is shaping up to be a great project!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!