Monday, September 29, 2008

Cat by a Hot Tin Roof!

My socks are finished-I have a pair of soft, lacy camillia socks.
All the beauty bushes are in full berry color-Bill mows around whole areas of these bushes-the birds love them come winter!

My neighbor has new babies in her nursery pen again....these cuties are triplets! (Boer goats) These guys are really little-5lbs so they are getting supplemental bottles-I love to be the doting aunt and share with the feeding times! Mom and I get to babysit on Wednesday so you will get a pic of them at bottle soon.
Half of the roof is done now! See the ridge vent , too! The vent pipes will be painted to match later on, too.
The roof line from the back of the house.
Bill's idea of construction humor. Yes, it is just a rubber snake but I almost put a chip in the slab when I picked up the crowbar to kill it!

1 comment:

  1. The roof is lovely! Funny how a finished roof makes the whole thing look like a real house instead of just an "in-progress".

    My eyes bugged out at the snake -- I couldn't think how you'd forgotten to tell me about it -- ha ha, Dad...I can see all of your teeth from here. :)


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....